This policy applies to training programmes based on CAA syllabi. It should be read in conjunction with all other policies in this guidance manual, particularly:
- Assessment Policy
- Equality Policy
- Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Appeals Policy
- Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy
A complaint relates to any dissatisfaction with the provision of our training that has been drawn to the attention of a member of the training team but where the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome.
Whistleblowing relates to disclosures regarding any action that an individual considers to be illegal, unethical or not in line with company policies. In legal terms, whistleblowing relates to workers, however we will recognise disclosures from any learners, members of staff or the public.
Our Appeals Policy addresses issues with assessment decisions and is not part of the scope of this policy.
The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate our commitment to ensuring any concerns and complaints are dealt with efficiently and that we operate to the highest standards of openness, honesty and accountability.
Our commitment
We aim to ensure learner and client satisfaction at all times. Anyone involved in any aspect of the delivery, assessment and outcomes has the right to complain if they are dissatisfied about any aspect of the service they receive.
Our procedures
- We will ensure that our staff are fully conversant with our policy and how to follow the procedures. We will:
- Provide our stakeholders with details of how to appeal an assessment decision.
- Informally discuss any concerns with learners or other stakeholders with a view to resolving concerns before a formal complaint is made.
- Only address a formal complaint when informal discussions and actions do not resolve the issue and if the stakeholder makes a request to do so.
- Follow our complaints and whistleblowing procedure to ensure timely and transparent decisions are made and so that any required actions can be carried out without adverse effect on learners’ progress.
- Ensure that any complaints and disclosures are handled confidentially and only provide to others the information needed to carry out a full investigation and make a response.
- Ensure that any documentation related to the complaint is maintained confidentially. Full details will only be held for three months after the resolution of the complaint. Anonymised details will be maintained for one year after resolution of the complaint to contribute to our continuous improvement process.
- Ensure that any complaint or disclosure made in good faith will not disadvantage the complainant or lead to victimisation.
- Monitor complaints and disclosures we receive to review our service and contribute to continuous improvement.
Supporting Documentation
- Complaint Form
Stage 1
This process only applies after an informal discussion has taken place.
- The complaint/disclosure must be made to Chris Armstrong (Instructor). Complaints must be made using the Complaint Form. Disclosures must be made by email. If the complaint/disclosure relates to Chris Armstrong, initial communication should be made to Tom Saunders (QM).
- QM carries out an investigation, collating all relevant evidence
- QM completes the Complaint Form (for complaints, or send an email for Disclosures) and responds to the stakeholder within seven days of the complaint/disclosure
- The stakeholder acknowledges the recommended outcome and signs the form (or responds by email in respect of Disclosures). If resolved, no further action is required. If unresolved move to Stage 2.
Stage 2
- The complaint is now escalated to the CAA